Business found me in Denver, Colorado this past week so I decided to stay over the weekend in Aspen. Friday late afternoon I drove to Aspen, it took longer than expected so didn’t get in until 9 or so. I stayed at SilverTree Hotel in Snowmass and was surprised by all the construction activity.

Saturday morning I headed south on C133 over McClure Pass then took C135 over Kebler Pass to Crested Butte. The weather was pretty clear in the morning, but a storm was heading in so by noon it was cloudy. This was actually perfect for my type of photography. The trees higher up were mostly stripped bare, but there were still a lot of groves that were just past peak. Crested Butte is a gorgeous town and would like to spend some time there, but I headed south to Gunnison then completed the loop through Glenwood springs. Back in Aspen by dinnertime snow started coming down.

Sunday I woke to sunny skies which was a surprise, the weather report said to expect more showers. I took ?? towards Ashcroft and there were a number of groves of Aspen, most were past peak but still offered some great shots. I then had to decide whether to hit the spots I found the previous day or try something new. I decided tried and true was better than wondering so headed to McClure pass again and also stopped at the Coke Ovens for a couple shots. Then it was time to hightail it back to Denver International for an 8 o’clock flight back.

Technical Info:

I took a number of snaps using my Canon G7, but primarily used my DLC45 and T-Max 100 (no 4×5 color this time).